Friday, September 22, 2017

Black on Black Racism

Black people claim that they can't be racist. They make this claim citing that they lack the power, which whites possess to be racist. This is totally false, blacks are some of the worst racists out there. Just look at BLM and the race baitors such as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Lamont Hill.

Blacks might make this claim but what you never hear is about colorism. This is when blacks are racist towards other blacks with lighter skin. This is the worse kind of racism. Colorism is the system of privilege and discrimination based on the degree of lightness in the color of a person’s skin…it’s an internalized form of racism which involves prejudice, stereotyping, and perceptions of beauty among members of the same racial group, whereby light skin is more highly valued than dark skin.

People wonder how an already marginalized group can divide themselves and perpetuate racial contempt and oppression against their own people when they know how crippling discrimination and disadvantages based on race, class, gender, skin color, or even hair texture are.

So when blacks make this claim, we can and should bring up colorism.
