It's finally here, the first wave of indictments in the "collusion case" against President Donald Trump has arrived.
A federal grand jury on Friday (10/27) approved the first charges in the collusion investigation against Trump.. We won't know until Monday who's indicted and what the charges are; it's unclear what the charges are because a federal judge ordered that the indictments remain sealed.
The former campaign manager for Trump, Paul Manafort and his former business associate Rick Gates have surrendered themselves to the FBI early Monday morning to little or no fanfare. Also, former foriegn policy advisor for Trump's campaign George Papadopoulas was indicted and unlike Manafort and Gates, pleaded guilty.
What exactly is Robert Mueller's investigation looking for?
Any potential ties, including collusion, between Trump’s campaign and Russia; efforts by Trump to obstruct justice by impeding the investigation; and any financial connections Trump or his campaign, or any of his associates, may have had to Russia.
The charges brought to Manafort and Gates are: conspiracy against the United States and to launder money, unregistered agent of a foreign principal, false and misleading statements regarding the Foreign Agents Registration Act, false statements, and seven counts of failure to file reports of foreign bank and financial accounts.
What does this have to do with Trump? These are all allegations against Manafort and Gates well before they were part of the Trump campaign.
But still, no proof that Trump colluded with the Russians.
Is Mueller conducting a fair investigation? I think not.
Indicting Manafort on charges which happened well before he was involved in Trump's campaign should've been set aside when the recent revelations that Hillary Clinton had dealings with Russia in selling them 20% rights of America's uranium, her connection with the "Russian dossier," and her presidential campaign chairman, John Podesta's influence-peddling on behalf of Russian interests became publicized.
These are all textbook examples of collusion!
Plus, nearly half of Mueller's staff are supporters of the Left. They've all donated hefty amounts to those running for office who were Liberals.
His staff of 15 lawyers, at least seven have donated to Democratic candidates and campaigns including donations to Hillary. Well, you might ask who the other eight lawyers supported. The Republicans? According to Federal records, they made no political donations.
It is evident that lawyers typically support Democrats: 68% of Lawyers who make political contributions, 68% lean to the left. Among elite lawyers the results are 76% make political contributions support Democrats.
Don't let those stats fog your thoughts; 68% and 76% doesn't mean there aren't lawyers who support the Right and Republicans such as Neil Gorsuch, Amy Coney Barrett, and Ben Shapiro.
This witch hunt is just getting started. We'll see what happens in the next few months.