Saturday, January 6, 2018



Capitalism in America is great. Capitalism itself is the best economic system and has proven itself as such many times over. It has boosted membership of the wealthy, also known as the 1% significantly. The actual 1% isn’t the same 1% that the media and politicians talk about.

According to the MSM and liberals, the 1% are millionaires and the ultra-wealthy billionaires this isn’t the case...not by a long shot. The 1% are actually far from being millionaires. In 2008, the average household income of the 1% was $1.2m but admissions into the coveted 1% starts at $380,000 according to the Congressional Budget Office.

But America’s version of capitalism is far from being pure, or even a recognizable watered-down version of capitalism. In a pure and unadulterated capitalist system, the government does not place restrictions on individuals from working where they please, how long they please, or how much they will be paid. These issues would be worked out between the individual and the business, not Uncle Sam.

Government agencies in a pure capitalist society wouldn’t regulate industries, the flow of capital, or control factors such as inflation and unemployment. Unfortunately, a pure capitalist society doesn’t exist in America...or anywhere in the world for that matter.

Because of the government’s over regulation on businesses, many people cannot not escape the lower rungs of poverty and in many cases become homeless. There are many examples of this over reach of the government regulation.

When capitalism apologists preach the benefits of capitalism, their number one point is usually how it creates jobs, true. But they never talk about how potential jobs are disrupted or how people are discouraged from creating jobs for  themselves.

The government’s over reach prevents Betty from watching her neighbors children so their mother’s can work themselves. Shanice can’t braid hair from her kitchen on the weekends for some spare cash in order to buy food items. What seems like harmless jobs would criminalize these women and many others because they don’t have business licenses, they have no Federal tax ID, not registered with the state, or any of the other licenses needed.

As great as capitalism is now, imagine how much better it would be without the government’s interference.