There has been so much said about President Trump’s alleged use of the word CENSORED BY FACEBOOK in reference to the countries of Haiti, El Salvador, and a handful of African countries when it comes to immigration in the last week. Every major mainstream media organization such as CNN and MSNBC has been blatantly over using this story in order for ratings, especially Don Lemon.
The term CENSORED BY FACEBOOK has been used so many times uncensored that I'm surprised that the FCC hasn't looked into it and fine a few networks. [EDITOR NOTE: THE FCC HASN'T FINED ANYBODY/NETWORK FOR THE USE OF CENSORED BY FACEBOOK YET FACEBOOK HAS BANNED THE USE OF CENSORED BY FACEBOOK BY AN UNKNOWN BLOGGER...ME!]
The Republicans wanted to move forward instead of continuing the unproductive rhetoric about the President’s CENSORED BY FACEBOOK comment in which most on the Right has already condemned but not the Democratic Senator from New Jersey Cory Booker. Senator Booker wants to continue with dragging Trump and his administration through the mud.
Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee this week, where she was grilled by Senators on negotiations around Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). The Secretary said in short that Trump’s apparent interest in prioritizing European immigrants above those from Africa was because of him [Trump] having learned of how hardworking Norwegians are from his conversation with the Norwegian Prime Minister.
California Democratic Senator Kamala Harris, when it was her turn to question Nielsen, seized on these comments because of the implication that prospective immigrants from Africa are not similarly as hardworking as Europeans.
‘“The people of Norway, well you know they work very
hard.” The inference being the people of the 54 states of
Africa and Haiti do not. That is a fair inference.’
The Secretary’s remarks were in reference to Trump’s interest to an immigration system based on people “with skills who can assimilate and contribute to the United States, moving away from country quotas and to an individual merit-based system." Trump wasn’t specifically interested in immigrants from Norway.
In Left-Speak, Sen. Harris called the DHS Secretary a racist. Now to Sen. Cory Booker and his meltdown. This meltdown was sparked by Secretary Nielsen testified that she “never heard President Trump use the term CENSORED BY FACEBOOK countries,’” in response to Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., question during the Committee hearing.
Senator Booker said he cried “tears of rage” when he heard Trump’s comments about Haitians and Africans. I guess Sen. Booker cried “tears of rage” when he read the April 2016 issue of The Atlantic when it was reported that “Obama also used to tell aides, ‘If only everyone [in the Middle East] could be like the Scandinavians, this would all be easy.’”
Sen. Cory Booker to DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen: "When ignorance and bigotry is allied with power, it's a dangerous force in our country. Your silence and your amnesia is complicity." The Senator is correct and America has witnessed this when Hillary Clinton was the Secretary of State.
Unfortunately much of the MSM’s attention on the hearing has been focused on whether Secretary Nielsen remembered what President Trump said about African and Haitian immigrants and on Sen. Booker’s sure to be nominated Oscar performance.