How could a billionaire who ran his campaign on representing the common man win? In other words, why would working people trust a billionaire to represent them? Why abandon the Democratic party that has always championed the working class?
Of course I’m writing about the Trump Presidency. The man with absolutely no political experience at all who pulled off the biggest landslide victory ever in American politics. The polls had Hillary Clinton at as much as 97% to win.
Donald Trump took a risk at running for office for the first time. Not for a position on a condo Homeowners Association. Not for a seat on a city council. Not as mayor of a small town or even for a governorship, typical for first timers in politics as we have seen with Jesse Ventura and Arnold Schwarznegger. He took a risk at running for the Presidency of arguably the world's most powerful country: America. The voters took notice.
Donald Trump was voted into office mainly by normal everyday Americans: The working class.
Normal Americans are risk takers themselves so they could relate to the billionaire reality show, real estate developer taking this risk. They're roofers and construction workers. They're soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines. They take risks trying to raise a family in an economy which guarantees them no certainty for the future.
They can relate!
The other reason Trump won? The party which used to represent the working class and normal Americans, the Democrats have abandoned them. The left no longer fights for the rights of the middle class and the poor. In fact, they have become what they fight against.
The left now attacks working Americans with a baton of anti-democracy (figuratively speaking) and uses jack booted tactics of what one could call anti Constitutional which we've already witnessed in the last eight years.
We've evenwitnessed a possible continuation of these.tactics from.the Democratic front runner Hillary Clinton. She not only referred to over 60 million Trump supporters as "deplorables," but went even further as to call them "racists," a clear continuation of the last eight years.
Then, there is the issue of kick backs, lobbyists, and donations.When your congressional representative owns three homes on a public servants pay, then something is wrong.
When nearly have of all congressmen are millionaires then something is wrong.
When the president leaves a $400,000 job and is worth $11 million then something is wrong.
When the former president’s 19 year-old daughter, Malia is worth a reported $275 million then something is wrong.
Something is wrong!