Act one of The Road to President Trump's Impeachment was a flop: “The Dossier.” Act two, “The Russian Collusion” was a farce also. The collusion between President Trump and President Putin is panning out to be false, except for the fact that all the fingers are pointing at Hillary Clinton and President Obama's part in the Uranium One fiasco.
Michael Wolff’s tell-all book, Fire and Fury, Inside the Trump Whitehouse isn’t doing as good a job as the Left hoped for so, they are attacking Trump on a quote leaked from the DACA meeting he held with Democratic leaders: “Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?”
Act three, “The Shithole Countries” has commenced.
The countries referred to as “shithole” countries are Haiti, El Salvador, and countries in Africa. I’m sure this is the opinion of most lawmakers in Washington, they’re just too afraid to speak their minds.
This started a fire storm on both social media and by the Mainstream Media predictably. Both Democratic and Republican leaders have condemned the language used and called it “vile and racist.”
There’s plenty of condemnation over the language which should be of no surprise, Trump isn’t the most eloquent speaker. Yes, the language was harsh but the point he was making was legit. But what I want to know is, why isn’t anybody answering his question?
I know the Left won’t try to answer it because it would hurt their base of illegal aliens and the MSM won’t answer it because they support the Left. Republicans and the Right in general are distancing themselves from Trump and his remarks because this is an election year and they don’t want to lose their jobs.
This is just politics as usual, nothing more, nothing less.
As much as I hate to quote the MSM, Fox News’ Jesse Waters had a good take on the situation. He pointed out that “This is how Trump relates to people,” whether you like it or not. “This is how Trump is. He doesn't care. He shoots from the hip” which in the author’s opinion is one of the reasons Trump was elected, he’s not part of the Intellectual Elite in Washington. Water’s goes on, “Is it graceful? No. Is it polite or delicate? Absolutely not. Is it a little offensive? Of course it is.”
Remember all throughout his campaign he said that he was “tired of all the political correctness” so should this even be an issue?
But I believe the answer is more offensive than the question which is why nobody is focusing on the answer, which is typical in Washington.