Wednesday, January 31, 2018

The Greatest SOTU Address Ever


With anticipation, everybody thought that President Donald Trump’s first State of the Union address would be a flop. President Trump’s first SOTU address was well-received with an overwhelming approval rating of 75% with viewers but one would be hard pressed to see any approval if the Democrats response was the rubric that one used to measure approval by.

In a poll by CBS following the SOTU,  75% of viewers approved of Trump's speech, this included  97% of Republicans, 72% of Independents, and 43% of Democrats. Sixty-five percent  of viewers said the speech made them feel "proud" and 35% said they felt  "safer," 14% felt "scared," and felt 21% "angry."

I think that the Daily Wire's Ben Shapiro describes the Democrats' behavior during the SOTU address perfectly:

“They didn’t just sit, actually. They grimaced. They groaned. They booed and hissed. And it wasn’t just that they disapproved of Trump on policy. It’s that they refused to stand for things they supposedly believe in because they hate Trump so much. . .  They sat. Amnesty for 1.8 million illegal immigrants? . . . They sat when Trump touted low black unemployment rates. . .  They sat because the Democratic Party has become a party focused on one figure and one figure only: Donald Trump.”

The mainstream media, predictably didn’t give Trump high marks or even mediocre marks although 75% of the viewers, including 43% of Dems approved of the speech. NBC reported that Trump’s first SOTU address was “subdued” and “tired.” Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd complained that Trump “didn't lead with a conciliatory tone on immigration,” . . . “spoke more to his base than I expected him to” by “paint[ing] the picture of the — this mythical immigrant criminal here that I want everybody to get fired up about.”

Andrea Mitchell, a MSNBC correspondent observed that “the fact checkers are really going to be busy” because Trump’s speech was filled with “exaggeration” and “a lot of hyperbole.”

As a spontaneous chant of “USA” erupted in the House chamber during the patriotic SOTU address, many congressmen came to their feet and some ran for the door. Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), was so triggered he walked out as the chant continued to echo, I guess to find his safe space and crayons.

After the speech, Gutierrez nearly crucifying Trump in a scathing statement, called him an “explicitly racist American president.”

Democratic Senator Cory Booker (N.J.) felt Trump’s use of God’s name during his first SOTU address was inappropriate, as he claimed it was “used to divide the nation.” He said Trump used faith and patriotism as “wedges to drive between people.”

The way the Democrats treated the President at his first SOTU address as well as the debacle of shutting down the government to protect illegal aliens over tax-paying Americans will surely give the Republicans more seats in the 2018 elections. The Left acts like cry-babies when they don’t get their way.

The last year is the equivalent of the eight years of Democratic rule. The Democrats are doing everything they can to guarantee the Republicans gain more seats in 2018 and Trump’s reelection in 2020.