President Trump finally gave the go ahead to release the memo which the Democrats have tried vigorously to stop. The memo, written by chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Devin Nunes (R-California) alleges that the FBI applied for a FISA warrant to monitor Trump aide Carter Page. It also alleges that the Clinton-DNC sponsored Steele dossier was the main piece of evidence used to obtain the FISA warrant.
Why doesn’t the Left want the memo released?
The memo shows how deep the corruption is at the FBI and the DOJ. It also shows how the Left and President Obama’s administration abused state power and misused surveillance authorities for political purposes. The FBI and DOJ, not to be out done by the CIA’s track record of over turning democratic elections in other countries were trying to influence the 2016 Presidential election, just like they claim the Russians did.
The mainstream media is trying their hardest, at the behest of their deep state masters to discredit the memo. Of all the rhetoric I’ve heard, I think the most bizarre and desperate move was from MSNBC which was to insinuate that Nunes is a “Russian Agent.”
“Is it possible that the Republican chairman of the House Intel Committee has been compromised by the Russians? Is it possible that we actually have a Russian agent running the House Intel Committee on the Republican side?" MSNBC panelist John Heilemann asked on Monday, stumping Senator Chris Murphy (D-Connecticut).
The Democrats also added to the rhetoric by stating that if Trump was to fire Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein -the Department of Justice official responsible for installing former FBI chief Robert Mueller- which could possibly be Trump’s next move, it would trigger a Constitutional crisis akin to the “Saturday Night Massacre” firings.
Some Democrats even went as far as comparing the reaction to the firing of Rosenthal to Hitler’s Kristallnacht.
The Democrats are trying so hard to discredit Trump’s presidency by linking him to President Putin and Russia that they are targeting everybody they can, even a little known investment banker from Merrill Lynch: Carter Page.
Because of Page’s past legitimate ties with Russia, the Left believes they can add to the non-existent evidence that Trump has colluded with Russia. It’s no secret that Page worked with Russian companies Gazprom and Rosneft as well as being a mid-level investment banker at a Russian branch of Merrill Lynch. This isn’t new information.
Since there has been a demand to release the memo, the Democrats have been trying to debunk or downplay it after failing in their attempts to garner enough votes to prevent its release.
Now that the memo has been released, the Left led by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi are trying to downplay it. She said that Trump’s decision to release the “controversial” memo about potential abuses of surveillance law was a “bouquet” for “his friend Putin.”
Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, has accused Nunes of secretly altering the memo alleging FBI and DOJ bias against Trump. Schiff claims that “material changes” have been discovered late Wednesday which makes the memo no longer viable for release.
The FBI has also tried to discredit the memo, saying it contains "material omissions of fact" which "fundamentally impact" its accuracy.