Thursday, February 22, 2018

Tide Pods and the Second Amendment


As the Democrats, anti Trumpers, the mainstream media, and Hillary Clinton supporters investigate and spend all their time and taxpayers dollars looking into the fantastical and myth-like collusion story in which no evidence has still been released, another shooting has happened in America.

This isn’t just another mass shooting but a mass shooting at a high school. The shooting this time was at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in the South Florida suburb of Parkland, Florida and the bastion of conservative hatred. No doubt that this is a tragic event even more tragic than the left leaning MSM can spin.

This shooting is being taken into a whole new direction than the Sandy Hook shooting ever could. The left has a new avenue to spark a gun debate which may prove successful for the left: exploit the children.

The left as well as the MSM has put their minds together to make the children of the shooting (in between consuming Tide Pods and Keeping Up with the Kardashians)  into Second Amendment experts. These children were students at a high school that was highly-rated in the state for math, science, and engineering.

But no matter how much of a victim that these “survivors” were, the death of their classmates may have been the making of the “survivors.” The autistic shooter Nikolas Cruz who was treated for depression and attention deficit disorder was a victim himself, a victim of school yard bullying. These bullies are the same ones who points their self righteous fingers at the scapegoat that the bullies and the MSM has labeled Cruz.

‘This kid [Cruz] gets bullied a lot, someone should do something,’ ” said student Manolo Alvarez, 17, who had history class with Cruz. “I regret definitely not saying anything.” According to Cruz’s neighbor, Paul Gold  “He was ostracized his whole life.”
To place the blame squarely on Cruz would be doing law abiding citizens a dis service, after all the Broward county Deputies were dispatched to Cruz’s resident nearly forty times and in addition, they warned at least twice in 2018.
The blame, at least in fault should be laid at the feet of the shooter most definitely and the FBI. This isn’t the first time that the FBI has let someone fall through the cracks, there was Nidal Hassan, for example,  the Ft. Hood shooter. The FBI also dropped the ball on Omar Mateen, whom the FBI  had interviewed and built a file prior to  the Pulse nightclub massacre in Orlando.
This seems to be a common thread with the FBI in the past few years. The FBI  had all the information it needed to intervene before Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik committed mass murder in San Bernardino. The same observations could be made about the Sandy Hook shooter Dylan Roof, the  Tsarnaev brothers, Stephen Paddock in the 2017 Las Vegas shooting, and the New Mexico shooter William Athison.
Oh! Let’s not forget the debacles at both Ruby Ridge, Waco, and not to sound too much like a conspiracy theorist (in which I like to dabble in occasionally) how the FBI let the 9/11 hijackers get through the system.
Maybe President Trump was correct when he laid the blame on the FBI. On Trump’s favorite social media feed Twitter, he said: "This is not acceptable. They are spending too much time trying to prove Russian collusion with the Trump campaign - there is no collusion . . . Get back to the basics and make us all proud!"