Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Trump's Infidelity Trumps the Left's: Who Cares . . . the Left & the Anti-Trumpers


All Americans hold President George Washington with such high esteem, and rightly so. Besides Washington’s declaration that he is “unable to tell a lie,” there are many, many reasons why Washington is viewed this way.

Washington embodied Republican values. Not only did he embody Republican values, he gave up power not once but twice: once when the Revolutionary War had been won and he gave up his commission and the second time when he gave up a chance to run for the office of the Presidency for a third term . He gave up power when he could of held on to it probably indefinitely.

Even though the Democrats, or the Republicans for that matter never really held any president to the same standard as Washington (because it was a task which would be impossible to pull off) the democrats and the anti-Trumpers are trying to hold President Trump to that very standard.

It’s true that Trump had an affair with porn actress Stormy Daniels in 2006. I don’t see anything wrong with this except for the fact that Trump was married at the time.

Trump also had an affair in 2006 with a Playboy Bunny Karen McDougal. The affair lasted from June 2006 to April 2007. Again I see nothing wrong with this except for the fact he was married at the time.

I’m not writing this to chastise Trump, this post isn’t even about Trump but about the hypocrisy of the democrats. Have they forgotten about President Clinton and all his affairs . . . WHILE HE WAS MARRIED!

In 1978, when Bill Clinton was the Attorney General for Arkansas and running for the Governor of Arkansas Clinton took advantage of his power. He viciously raped Juanita Broaddrick, a volunteer who wanted to help Clinton become Governor of Arkansas.

In 1992 Clinton had an affair that lasted over twelve years with Gennifer Flowers. In 1993 Clinton sexually assaulted Kathleen Willey. In 1994 Clinton raped Paula Jones. And there was also the infamous Monica Lewinsky.

In all, 17 women came out with allegations that Clinton either sexually assaulted them or raped them: Sandra Allen James, Eileen Wellstone, Christy Zercher, Carolyn Moffet, Helen Dowdy, Becky Brown, Regina Blakely Hopper, Elizabeth Ward Gracen, Connie Hamzy, Dolly Kyle Browning, and Sally Miller (Sally Perdue) along with the aforementioned.

Then there was Dolly Kyle Browning, Clinton’s first fling (possibly) who set his libido into overdrive. She was a high school classmate of Clinton who, according to the Washington Post said in a statement to Paula Jones's attorneys that “she had a sexual relationship with Clinton from the 1970s until 1992.”

The Democrats were responsible for the most famous affair in American politics: President John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe. The JFK and the democrats set the bar for sexual misconduct and sexual assault which has never been matched since. Maybe the Dems are jealous of Trump because he has come close to the Dems debauchery.

The big takeaway from all the coverage on the Trump women is one that you will have to search for even though it’s in plain sight. The takeaway is this: even though Trump did have affairs, he wasn’t a politician. The only person he had to be held accountable to is his wife. He had no constituents to please. He had no donors to bow to. He had no party to defend.

You’d be hard pressed to find this talking point on any Democrat or even Republican planned remarks.