By ama jamus
There’s been a movement against so-called “fascism” in the west, in particular America in the last few years; okay, let’s be honest, since Donald Trump was elected President.
This modern movement of against fascism is really about shutting down
dissenting opinion; I will refer to the anti fascist movement from here on out as censorship. The left has hired and secretly funded far left, anti-capitalist, socialism-loving antifa and other “thug” groups like the Black Lives Matter movement to demonstrate and hopefully shutdown debates by Conservative and right-leaning authors, personalities, and really anybody the left disagrees with.
The most notable demonstrations lately have been against speakers such as Milo Yiannopoulos, Ann Coulter, Jordan Peterson, and Ben Shapiro. Some of the most damaging and memorable protests, or dare I say riots have happened at the U.C. Berkeley campus, ironically home of the Free Speech movement of the late sixties.
But don’t think for a moment that only thuggish behavior is the hallmark of far-left groups. The mainstream media, a supporter of the left has a hand in censorship also. It may be subtle with legacy MSM outlets such as the New York Times and cable news outlets such as CNN and MSNBC but is evident even to the those living under a rock for the last year and a half that Facebook and especially Youtube is playing a larger role in their brand of censorship.
We haven’t seen a whole lot from Facebook YET when it comes to censorship, just a lot of talk but Youtube is far exceeding anything that the MSM has attempted. Youtube’s censorship is disgusting in two ways: they concentrate on content creators who lean toward and support conservative thought and secondly Youtube blatantly lies about it and blames it on their algorithms.
In an attempt to police [Youtubes] platform of extremist and hate speech, Google has enlisted more than 100 nongovernment organizations (NGOs) and government agencies in their “Trusted Flaggers” program. The most notorious of these NGO’s is the Southern Poverty and Law Center, most commonly known as the SPLC.
The SPLC usually deems a pedestrian conservative group as a “hate group” and lumps them in with groups which actually has committed “hate crimes.” The SPLC labeled retired and notable Dr. Ben Carson, now the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), an anti-gay “extremist.” After a backlash, the SPLC reversed its ruling and apologized to Carson. The SPLC even brandishes the label of “hate group” on the Catholic Church and all two billion Catholics and christians in general calling them anti-semites.
The SPLC didn’t seem to have a problem with Floyd Lee Corkins, who opened fire at the Family Research Center in 2012. Corkins said he chose the FRC because the SPLC listed them as a “hate group.” It also looks as if the SPLC was proud of James T. Hodgkinson, who liked the SPLC and Media Matters. Hodgkinson shot Republican Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., and injured three others while practicing for a charity baseball game in Alexandria, Virginia.
Instead of telling the truth about how [Google and Youtube] are censoring posts and content creators, they hide behind what I like to call double-speak.YouTube’s biggest stars have been complaining that a recent change to YouTube’s algorithm for trending content has left them with far fewer views on their videos than they have seen in the past.
“Over the past few months we have made some changes to YouTube to encourage people to spend more time watching, interacting, and sharing with the community. . . we’ve updated what we call video discovery features. . these changes better surface the videos that viewers actually watch, over those that they click on and then abandon.”
What does this actually mean? YouTube ranks your videos higher, based on the amount of time people spend watching your videos. NO!
The overwhelming majority of the content policing on Google and YouTube is carried out by algorithms. The algorithms make for an easy rebuttal against charges of political bias: it’s not us, it’s the algorithm. But actual people with actual biases write, test and monitor the algorithms.
This really means that Youtube is hiding behind their algorithm instead of their mass censorship of any opinion that is conservative in nature or that is conservative in nature. There really isn’t anything more to say about it. I’ve already used more space than I should of to in a word describe what is censorship.