By ama jamus
I’ve been driving for longer than I want to admit to, yea that long although I know people who've been driving a lot longer than me. I’m a pretty good driver in my mind . . . and according to my insurance rating (as well as the DMV) but that doesn’t mean I’m a great driver.
I’ve had tickets in my [driving] life for doing stupid things and making stupid maneuvers. Some of these maneuvers has caused me to be in accidents as well as prevented me from being hit by another not-s0-good driver.
I’ve survived many accidents
in which some were my fault and some which weren’t my fault. Because I survived auto accidents, this in no way makes me an auto expert. I don’t know the ins and outs of seat belts or airbags. It doesn’t make me an expert on how to develop safer cars or how to design roads and intersections which will prevent more accidents and save lives.
My being a survivor of [many] auto accidents gives me insight into what it's like to be in an accident and possible be close to losing my life but it doesn't make me an expert in such a way that I can tell automakers how to make and design their cars. It doesn't allow me to go to Congress and testify about the dangers of cars. It doesnt give me the right to protest against car manufacturers telling them they better do this or that or else.
If you have a headache and take some Tylenol to rid yourself of the pain it doesn’t make you an expert: you aren’t a doctor.
If you have a toothache and take some painkillers that doesn’t make you a dentist.
So my question is: because the students survived a school shooting, how does this make them an expert on guns? How does this make them an expert on the 2nd Amendment? How does this give them the right to speak on behalf of others? How does this give them the right to take away the rights of others.
It doesn’t. It makes them an expert at suffering.
I usually have disdain for self-proclaimed “victims,” but in this case I agree that they truly are victims and survivors unlike the social justice jihadists who falsely claim to be “victims.” But these are children.
These are children who for the most part aren’t even mature, granted many are but many aren’t. I don’t want people dictating what my rights should or shouldn’t be who are still participate in the Tide Pod challenge.
Immamature? I think so.
My advice to these children. Finish high school. Go to college and become a real expert in the Constitution. Get involved in politics by either becoming and informed activist or becoming a politician and work to come up with sensible solutions instead of falling prey to knee jerk reactions.
The 2nd Amendment isn’t just some words written on a 200+ year-old piece of parchment, it’s our God given right as Americans.