Sunday, September 9, 2018

The 1st Casualty of The War on Trump

George Papadopoulos Caught Between a Rock and a Hard Place

By ama jamus
The first casualty of Mueller’s War on Trump is George Papadopoulos, an obscure, low-level foreign-policy aide to the former Donald Trump 2016 presidential campaign. It was Papadopoulos’ bragging the about Russians having “dirt” on Hillary Clinton which triggered an FBI investigation into election interference.

George Papadopoulos only had two brief encounters with Russians concerning
the election. One was a brief meeting with someone he thought was Putin's niece: Olga Vinogradova. A London-based academic from Malta, Joseph Mifsud had introduced the pair.

In March 2016, according to the Washington Post Papadopoulos sent an email to Trump’s campaign’s foreign policy team suggesting they should coordinate “a meeting between us and the Russian leadership to discuss U.S.-Russia ties under President Trump.”

Ivan Timofeev, the second Russian Papadopoulos had concerning the election was with director of programs of the Russian International Affairs Council—a Moscow-based think tank. He claims in an interview with the Russian news site Gazeta that Papadopoulos approached him sometime in spring 2016 seeking to arrange "a visit to Russia either for Trump himself or for a member of his team 'to discuss Russia-U.S. relations.'"

"Our conversations made it clear that George was not well acquainted with the Russian foreign political landscape," Timofeev said. "You obviously can't just go and set up a meeting with the president, for instance. Things just aren't done that way."

The Russian offer to the Trump campaign went nowhere, but Papadopoulos persisted, emailing then campaign manager Corey Lewandowski in April 2016, “Putin wants to host the Trump team when the time is right.”

His requests were reportedly met with hesitancy from Paul Manafort and multiple campaign officials, including retired Navy Rear Adm. Charles Kubic, who voiced concerns about violating both US sanctions on Russia and the Logan Act, a law forbidding US citizens from negotiating with foreign governments without authorization.

These brief encounters with a member of a Russian think tank and a few rejected emails to Trump’s campaign is what started the Russian probe?

George Papadopoulos was a minor player in Donald Trump’s campaign, He was so minor that he was often referred to as a volunteer "coffee boy” in a 2017 Politico post, “Trump and allies dismiss Papadopoulos as the ‘coffee boy.’” Papadopoulos was an over eager, unexperienced volunteer who was trying to make a name for himself. But that didn’t stop Mueller using Papadopoulos from using him.

George Papadopoulos agreed to squeal and spill his guts because he was caught lying to the FBI. What do you think a person who is new to the game of politics and never really worked in politics is going to do? When someone is faced with doing time in prison and everybody abandons you, what would be your reaction? The guy was new to the real world, he just graduated college in 2009 . . . no life experience.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller said Wednesday that he’s ready to move forward with the sentencing of Papadopoulos. What this really means is that Mueller has finished using him like a john has finished using his whore and wants to toss him to the side.

He was sentenced Friday to 14 days in federal prison for lying to the FBI and given 12 months of probation and must perform 200 hours of community service. In addition to the time, he was also ordered to pay a $9,500 fine.
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