President Donald Trump has finally released the highly anticipated “memo.” What makes this “memo” so important? The “memo” exposes the Left as treasonous and anti-American. The Left, ultimately led by former president Barack Obama (who unlike Hillary is living in the shadows) shows how deep the corruption is in Washington, but more specifically how deep corruption is in the FBI and the DOJ.
The “memo” outlines how the Left abused state power and misused surveillance authorities for political purposes. The Democrats used a dossier compiled of “dirt” on the President known as the “Russian Dossier” or the “Steele dossier” in order to influence the 2016 election. Sound familiar?
The Steele dossier was bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton, the DNC, and the Clinton Campaign in order to dig up dirt on Donald Trump during the 2016 Presidential Election. It supposedly shows how Trump and his campaign colluded with Russian President Putin so Trump could win.
The reality of the Steele dossier did the opposite, it showed how Hillary and her campaign colluded with Russia.
The DNC and the Clinton campaign paid Washington-based Fusion GPS, a research company which specialises in doing opposition research for politicians. Fusion GPS paid former British spy Christopher Steele to compile the dossier. Christopher Steele, who vehemently didn’t want Trump to win the Presidency then worked with the Russian government in compiling “dirt” on Trump.
In September 2016, Steele admitted to former FBI official Bruce Ohr that he “was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president,” the memo states.
Isn’t this collusion?
When requesting a FISA warrant, you have to submit many pieces of evidence which points to legitimate concerns of espionage or terrorism. In order to get a FISA warrant approved, one doesn’t go through a lengthy vetting process which one would expect for something such as surveillance on U.S. citizen. No. All an official from the DOJ has to do is convince a lone judge and a member of the government.
That’s it!
What makes this case outstanding is how the FISA warrant was requested. The only piece of evidence submitted for the warrant was the Steele dossier; one lone piece of information and the way the dossier was compiled wasn’t even mentioned to the judge.
The memo was written by Russian Agent disguised as House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Devin Nunes (R-California), according to the mainstream media outlet MSNBC. This is how desperate the Dems are to downplay the memo that they will call somebody, with absolutely no proof and no thought of consequences a Russian spy.
The Left isn’t doing so well in an election year either. The release of the memo comes on the heels of the government shutdown led and conspired by the Democratic Senator from New York, Chuck Schumer. The shutdown was the results of the Democrats putting nearly 800,000 illegal aliens, known as The Dreamers over hard-working, tax paying, American citizens with no acknowledgement of the unconstitutionality of DACA.
This should be an interesting election year as the Democrats are trying to win control of the House. We’ll see.